
Friday, July 24, 2020

Personal or Private?

Today we learned about Private and Personal information. We then had to make a copy of a document. The document had Private information on one side and on the other side we had to turn the private information into personal information. Make sure you watch the video it has some very helpful tips! 

Here is my document.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Winter Learning Journey Activity #2

Today for the winter learning journey I chose activity 12. For this activity I had to... well you know, that ➝. Today my younger cousin Mia helped me with this activity because Grandma is looking after me and my 2 cousins (Mia and her younger brother, they are 7 1/2 & 5) She saw what I was doing and wanted to help.

We enjoyed choosing the images & numbers as well as making the 

Here is our creation

  Comment your answer in the comments section

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Winter Learning Journey Activity #1

For my first winter learning journey activity I chose to design a Winter Hut. (It says Activity 19 because you can do them in any order.)

My favourite part was choosing the furniture goes inside my Hut. It was challenging get the SiZeS and colours right. But overall I really enjoyed this activity and am excited to do another one again tomorrow!

Here are the slides I used to design my hut.

Friday, July 3, 2020

My Myth!

In Miss.McLeod's writing group we have been writing myths. Myths are stories of how things were created, each time the myth gets told the person telling the story can have as much fun as they want with the details! So they aren't always really super duper true. Miss McLeod said that we could make up our own myths, she gave us PLENTY of choices. I chose How Owls Got Big Eyes. I saw this option and I got so excited I knew I had to do it. It was challenging think of how they got big eyes. I enjoyed being able to choose what the owls did.

                                                            Here is my writing