
Monday, July 5, 2021

The Sun Facts 🌞🌞🌞

Hi Readers!

Today for Inquiry we have been doing the Sun.

We learnt about how hot and big the Sun is.

Here are our slides.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Student Summit 2021!

Kia Ora Readers!

 Last week Me and 15 other students went to Hornby Primary. Everybody in the Uru Manuka cluster came. These include Gilbathorbes, St. Bernadette's, South Hornby School (Us), Hornby Primary, Hornby High and Wigram Primary. If you don’t know what the student summit is, it's where once every year all the schools in our cluster come together and teach each other things. I was a presenter along with Ella-Pearl and An, we were teaching other kids how to use Codey Rockeys’. There are student workshops and before you go you do a google form and say what workshops you want to go to. If you aren’t presenting you get to choose 4 workshops but if you are you only get to choose 2. 

My first activity was Book Creator. It was really fun. We only got about 20 minutes for each session so I didn’t get past the front cover. I won’t add it in because it is not completed. My second activity was Upgrading Your Google Slides.I will add that one in but again we only had 20 minutes so I only got the front page and first slide done. I only did my mihi on the second page. After that it was morning tea. Then came my presentation… 

In my first group there were about 10 kids. We had to show them a video and read out a Google Slide before we could let them start. After the presentation we could let them start the tutorial, since there weren’t enough robots for one each there were 2 between 3. We also showed them a few pieces of code on my Chromebook and the colour recognition feature.

I enjoyed doing my presentation with Ella-Pearl and An.

It was challenging figuring out how to make the text bigger on Book Creator.

All About Me

Our presentation

I had lots of fun at this years Student Summit and really enjoyed the experience!

Bye Readers!


Thursday, July 1, 2021

Matariki Shape Poems!

 Hey Readers!

Yesterday and today we have been writing shape poems on Matariki.

We could choose to write about Stories, Celebrations, Stars or the Food.

We could also choose which shape we made it into as long as it was related to Matariki.

I chose stars, for both.


I had time to write 2 poems so I did.

It was challenging thinking of what size and shape it should be.
I enjoyed using google drawing to create my poem.

Have you ever written a shape poem or learned about Matariki?

See you next post!
