
Thursday, December 16, 2021

My Final Blog Post at South Hornby School

 Hey Readers!

Well, this is it. My final blog post of 2021.

My teacher (Miss McLeod) has been the best teacher ever and I´ve her for everything for four years in a row! I´m gonna be so sad to leave her and South Hornby school. 😭

Below is the End of year exit interview we had to fill out. 

Goodbye forever,




Wednesday, December 15, 2021

🎮 Rubber Duck Awards 🎮

 Hey readers!

This is going to be a reasonably short post.

I had been coding a game with a group of people from scratch.

I coded it with Lucas, Bailey, Cole and Lennox.

We the used the coding platform Gamefroot.

After creating our game we made sure it looked good and then posted it to the arcade.

We also submitted it into the Rubber Duck Awards, a NZ competition where there is a criteria that you have to follow to win prizes.

After about a week we got the results....


That had meant that we had to split a 300 dollar voucher, 60 dollars each.

We were all super excited and Gamefroot sent us a box of stuff to share.

If you want to play our game, here it is:

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Burger Advertisement (Writing)

 Hey Readers,

Hope you are having/have had a good day.

This and last week for writing we have been designing own custom burgers, so far it has been really fun.

It was challenging to think of enough ingredients to fill the burger buns

I enjoyed getting to have some creative freedom by being able to choose everything about it, from the bread buns to the sauces, its been great.

I think my favorite part was when we got to make the advertisement on our computers.

Here's mine:

I don't really like it I think it looks kind of bad, the burger buns and stuff way too square.
Would you try my burger?

Here's the link to the instructions on how to make it;

P.S; It's not a real phone number, actually I don't know but don't call it in case it is.

👋 Bye! 👋

Monday, November 8, 2021

Soap Advertisement! 🧼 (Inquiry)

 Hey Readers!

This morning we had Inquiry and we are making soap! 

I am  really excited and we have already made our packaging.

I was the first in the class to finish so Miss. H had to come up with something else for us to do.

So last Inquiry session we went out and picked up 3 rubbish bags full of rubbish in 7 minutes! 3 whole bags!

We are going to cut up the rubbish and use it to colour the black and white Wonder Weka Miss. H printed off. Like a collage.

I recorded my ad on screencastify and if you want to watch it here it is:


Sunday, November 7, 2021

How to make Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

 Hey Readers! 

Today I made some peanut butter chocolate chip cookies.

I made a google slide (like I did last time) to show you the process

The recipe I used was off the Chelsea Sugar website

        It was challenging to scrape the peanut butter out of the jar
I enjoyed mixing it, it was very satisfying.

Hope you enjoyed this post and try out the recipe

Friday, November 5, 2021

S.I.S.O.M.O New Student Introduction (Digital Citizenship)

 Hey Readers!

Hows your day going?

Today I have been recording a video with Jahnaleigh that the teachers would show to a new student coming to SHS (South Hornby School).

It was kind of noisy when we were recording but then the morning tea bell rang and everyone went outside so it was quiet. 

We interviewed a couple of people and a few teachers. But we also did a tour of the classroom.

I hope you liked it as we worked really hard on it. 

(Sorry its so long!)



Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Friendship Tips (Health)

 Talofa Readers!

I hope you are having a wonderful day?

Today we had to make a slideshow about friendship tips after we watched this video:

We had to make each slide a different tip. 

I found that it was hard to find images

What I enjoyed was using nice colours and watching the Lucas The Spider.