
Sunday, December 29, 2019

SLJ Activity 3: Scaling New Heights

The SPCA is a charity that helps animals that are either in danger or not a safe environment. At the SPCA there are lots of different animals that you can adopt. They are there because they have been either taken away or recused.

I hope you will donate to SPCA to save animals!

SLJ W1 Activity 2: Discovering Aotearoa

I am a quarter dutch and am from the Netherlands!  I don`t know how to speak a lot of dutch I can  only say a few words, here are the ones I know... Goedemorgn= good morning Hallo=Hello,
Banan=Banana, Goedenmiddag=good after noon.

Here are some facts about the Netherlands

  • The Netherlands is ranked the healthiest eating country in the world
  • Dutch men are the tallest men in the world
  • There are over 1000 windmills still standing and there was 1850
  • The dutch government wants to ban selling diesel and petrol powered cars in 2025
  • In the Netherlands there are actually more bikes than people!
  • Holland is famous for how much liquorice they eat
  • Did you know that if it weren`t for Holland we wouldn't have orange carrots?
  • Hollands national anthem is the oldest in the world (see below)
  • In Amsterdam there are over 1200 bridges
  • The currency in Holland is Euros
  • Vincent van Gogh is the most famous dutch painter
  • Netherlands is famous for its clogs, cheese, windmills and flatland
  • In Holland Christmas is on December the 5th and they have sinterklass not Santa (Here is how they are different)


If I were invited to go in a canoe with Nainoa Thompson the list of food I would bring would be...

  •  Water
  • Muesli bars
  • I would cook sausages at home and eat the in the canoe
  • Apples 
  • A bag of lollipops
  • Gum (Mint)
  • Sandwich
  • Premade waffles
  • Bread
  • Cola

Nainoa Thompson on Biteable.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Activity 1: Taking charge

If I was principal for a week...

If I was principal for a week I would make it mufti day everyday because I like wearing my favourite clothes. I would also let the kids have an extended lunch time so they have more time to chat with their friends so that they don't talk in the class. Everyday  I would have a tree and there were presents under neath if you were being good you would get one of the presents, Finally I would get the teachers to not be really serious!

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Biteables I did at home

Today after school I decided to make some biteables about the things I like one is about Lego and the other is about Christmas Take a look and see what you think. Remember to comment!
Christmas on Biteable.
Lego on Biteable.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

SLJ Teaser week Activity 3

Take a look at this biteable I have made the reason I made it is because I signed up for the summer learning journey. This week is teaser week and I decided to do activity 3 which was about Roald Dahl and how he made up lots of words. So we had to use any of the tools we knew how to use to make up our own words I picked biteable! (There is a mistake on the last seen but I couldn't find a picture that worked for the word.) Don`t forget to comment!

Describe a moment in time

This term Miss . Bannans writing group have been focusing on describe a moment in time.

Week 1 
Week 2

Week 3
This weeks

Brain teaser

Today in Mrs Jacks Maths group we had a brain teaser We had to buddy up and I decided to pick Ella-pearl (here is  Ella-pearls blog) Here is our brain teaser 

Try it out yourself and see what your answer is!