
Wednesday, December 23, 2020

How to make 2 Minute Noodles

Hey Readers!
 So during lock down I made this post:

And I used the label #stayathomerecipes

and I meant to make this into a series kind of but I forgot so here is the second post to the series! I will post a new recipe every Wednesday.

How to make Maggi 2 minute Noodles in 6 easy steps!

1. Boil some hot water

2. While the water is boiling start breaking the noodle cake, I recommend that you do it before you have opened the package. Once they are in reasonable sized chunks tip them into a microwaveable bowl.

3. In the bowl pour in the hot water so it covers about all the noodles then pour the flavouring packet in. Or don't if you just want plain noodles. Stir in the flavouring.

4. Put the bowl in the microwave for 1 minute and once it is finished take it out and stir it, then put it back in for another minute. While its cooking start getting a bowl and sieve (if you want one) ready. 

5. Once the noodles are finished give them a final stir. If you want the juice in just tip them in a bowl. But if you want no juice sieve the noodles over a sink. Then tip them into a bowl.

6. Add something into your noodles! (You don't have to) Add something like dried veggies, sausage, cheese or maybe even some sauce! I like cheese and sliced frankfurter in my noodles.

Anyway thanks for reading and also I hope you make some yummy noodles! 

Bye Readers!

SLJ - Summer Haiku

 Hey Readers!


Today I decided to do the Summer Haiku for SLJ.

It had to go

5 5 5 5 5 Words

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Words

5 5 5 5 5 Words


I enjoyed this activity because I liked thinking about all the things we do in summer. I also liked deciding the words.


It was challenging finding a free beach photo that I liked but I finally found one on Unsplash (All images on Unsplash are completely free and you can download good quality images with a click of the green download button. You can also thank the photographer once you have downloaded their photo.) I also needed a sun in my picture so I used to take one from another image.

Anyway you probably are bored of me blabbering my head off so I will show you my Haiku.


If you can't read what it says it says:

Waves crash on the shore
Golden sand coats the warm beach floor
The ocean gleams in the sun 

I kinda cheated on the five in the last line because I had to put 6 because I couldn't think of anything with only five words, so I hope you forgive me!

Anyway this was fun but it's time for me to go!
Bye Readers!

P.S Whenever you click on any of the links on this post it will take you to a page that looks like this:

Sorry its a bit blurry but you might run into this page.
 You click this link to go to the website:

If you change your mind and want to come back here click this link:

Now, Goodbye (but properly this time though)


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

2020 Reflection

 Hey Readers!

At the very start of this year I made a post called Welcome Back To 2020!

And now at the very end of the year I am writing a blog post about 2020. 

Here are some exciting things and trips we've done this year:

-We went to Living Springs for school camp last week
- We went to Feerymead Heritage Park
-P.J day
-Top Team
-Teddy Bear Picnic
and heaps of other things too.

My favourite thing this year was camp! (Blog post coming about that soon)
It was so much fun!

My least favourite thing this year was orienteering. 
That was at the very start of the year though so my most recent least favourite thing was probably fairymead.

But enough of not liking stuff, I am gonna tell you my favourite things about this year!

My favourite thing (accept for camp) was probably teddy bear day! There was a big chalk circle out on the court to put a $2 dollar donation in. We did it to raise money for the heart kids foundation. 
We got a certificate from that day.

I hope you have a great day!
Keep checking my blog over the holidays as I will be posting for the summer learning journey.
Bye Readers!

Monday, December 14, 2020

Habitat Destruction

Hi Readers!,

 In Inquiry we have been learning about Habitat Destruction. 

I like learning about habitat destruction because I like thinking of ways to stop it.

Today and on Thursday and Friday we have been making a DLO about Habitat destruction.

We had to make our DLO on Google Drawings.

It had to include




I found it hard to record my screencastify in a quiet place. 

I enjoyed finding pictures and writing the text.

