
Sunday, December 29, 2019

SLJ Activity 3: Scaling New Heights

The SPCA is a charity that helps animals that are either in danger or not a safe environment. At the SPCA there are lots of different animals that you can adopt. They are there because they have been either taken away or recused.

I hope you will donate to SPCA to save animals!

SLJ W1 Activity 2: Discovering Aotearoa

I am a quarter dutch and am from the Netherlands!  I don`t know how to speak a lot of dutch I can  only say a few words, here are the ones I know... Goedemorgn= good morning Hallo=Hello,
Banan=Banana, Goedenmiddag=good after noon.

Here are some facts about the Netherlands

  • The Netherlands is ranked the healthiest eating country in the world
  • Dutch men are the tallest men in the world
  • There are over 1000 windmills still standing and there was 1850
  • The dutch government wants to ban selling diesel and petrol powered cars in 2025
  • In the Netherlands there are actually more bikes than people!
  • Holland is famous for how much liquorice they eat
  • Did you know that if it weren`t for Holland we wouldn't have orange carrots?
  • Hollands national anthem is the oldest in the world (see below)
  • In Amsterdam there are over 1200 bridges
  • The currency in Holland is Euros
  • Vincent van Gogh is the most famous dutch painter
  • Netherlands is famous for its clogs, cheese, windmills and flatland
  • In Holland Christmas is on December the 5th and they have sinterklass not Santa (Here is how they are different)


If I were invited to go in a canoe with Nainoa Thompson the list of food I would bring would be...

  •  Water
  • Muesli bars
  • I would cook sausages at home and eat the in the canoe
  • Apples 
  • A bag of lollipops
  • Gum (Mint)
  • Sandwich
  • Premade waffles
  • Bread
  • Cola

Nainoa Thompson on Biteable.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Activity 1: Taking charge

If I was principal for a week...

If I was principal for a week I would make it mufti day everyday because I like wearing my favourite clothes. I would also let the kids have an extended lunch time so they have more time to chat with their friends so that they don't talk in the class. Everyday  I would have a tree and there were presents under neath if you were being good you would get one of the presents, Finally I would get the teachers to not be really serious!

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Biteables I did at home

Today after school I decided to make some biteables about the things I like one is about Lego and the other is about Christmas Take a look and see what you think. Remember to comment!
Christmas on Biteable.
Lego on Biteable.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

SLJ Teaser week Activity 3

Take a look at this biteable I have made the reason I made it is because I signed up for the summer learning journey. This week is teaser week and I decided to do activity 3 which was about Roald Dahl and how he made up lots of words. So we had to use any of the tools we knew how to use to make up our own words I picked biteable! (There is a mistake on the last seen but I couldn't find a picture that worked for the word.) Don`t forget to comment!

Describe a moment in time

This term Miss . Bannans writing group have been focusing on describe a moment in time.

Week 1 
Week 2

Week 3
This weeks

Brain teaser

Today in Mrs Jacks Maths group we had a brain teaser We had to buddy up and I decided to pick Ella-pearl (here is  Ella-pearls blog) Here is our brain teaser 

Try it out yourself and see what your answer is!

Friday, November 29, 2019

Facts and opinions

For the past 2 weeks Miss. Bannan and Miss. McLeod`s writing groups have been learning about the genre persuasive writing. We had to either pick dogs or cats and then we had to try and write a persuasive piece of writing. We had a success criteria here is a picture 
          Here is my writing about dogs                


Monday, November 25, 2019

Sudesh`s birthday

Today is Sudesh`s birthday he cut his  birthday cake into 10 slices the candles are split evenly between the 10 slices so how old is Sudesh turning?   

My group (Bailey R   Kihi boy  Bailee.D)  think the answer is 20 because there is 10 slices and even if you get a piece of paper you SHOULD  get the answer 20.
Thanks for reading my blog,

Going to holland

I have been to Holland this is a post card with a picture on it

Friday, November 1, 2019

Festival of flowers

Today was the last day to send in your creation for festival of flower. It is a massive festival of creations to do with spring. You can make a model flower out of Lego, crafts equipment, an arrangement or you could draw one.

Today Miss. Cherry and Miss. McLeod had planned some activities for us there were some videos and links and we could click on them to have a look and see if we wanted to draw them.

Here are the links

My creations

Monday, October 21, 2019

Online collages

Today in cybersmart we had to try and make an online collage representing New Zealand. I have decided to do kakapo as its native to New Zealand. We did it on google drawings.

   Kakapo ⬇️

Monday, September 23, 2019

Korere rich maths tasks

Today in Miss Mcleod and Miss Cherry's Math group had to do Some slides about math problems Here are my slides.
                          RICH MATH TASKS

Journey animation

This is my animation it is  finished. What do you think?

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Fun with fives

Do you know your five times tables? I will show you how A much easier way solve them, Here is some slides I made then I screencastifiyed it Here you go!!!!

Monday, August 26, 2019

My favorite animal

My favorite animal is a unicorn hears my second biteable have watch!

My favorite animal on Biteable.

Biteable the new awesome tool! 😁

Today in cybersmart we used a new tool called biteable. We had to make a biteable about our favorite things. Biteable is a program where you can make short movies to tell people something. Sorry it is my first time I think there are some mistakes! ☹️
First Bitable on Biteable.

Monday, August 19, 2019


Today in Mrs.Mcguinetys phonics group had to pick an adverb to describe and illustrate. I Picked crazily, I picked crazily because I think I could draw well and describe it easily.

Crazily means that you do do something in a crazy way like for example instead of going on to your bed you might back flip  onto your bed. 

Now I hope yo know what crazy means! Thanks for looking at my blog!

Maths week

This week in Miss.mcleods maths group we have been doing multiplication and division we had to do to 2 slides one was for math week and one was an early finishers.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Probabilty Venngage

Today I made a poster about probability on Venngage 

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

te reo moari

Flip books

In phonics I made a flip-book about parts of speech. I had to say what a adjective,noun,verb,pronoun and adverb was. I learnt that a pronoun is another word for some ones name like he she they this that.

Monday, August 5, 2019


Today we learned how to use Venngage its an online program that lets you make posters.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Te reo maori colours on screen-castify

We have been learning about Maori colors before kapa haka on a Wednesday here is a video from screen-castify.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Shout Out To Erika

Today I got a new buddy for cybersmart her name is Erika. We had  to use screen-casitfiy to make a shout out video to our buddies heres mine. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

said is dead

In Mrs.Mcguinniety`s phonics group we had to make something digital for other instead of said we had use something we know how to use like google drawings, google slides to make an animation. But I decided to use mblock which is what I am using for coding.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Standing order

Today Mrs jacks maths group had a problem called standing order here is the problem my answer is chris I was right! 

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

google slides myths & legends

 We have been retelling maui myths and legends on google slides. We had to take pictures and use screen castify to record. We liked using the chrome-books to do it, and we got to choose our favorite legend. I picked how maui found his mother. It was really exciting to do and especially fun. It was challenging 
using screen-castify but it was fun using something new that I hadn`t used before. 😁

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

ever seen a crabcorn?!

Last week in cybersmart we were looking at videos and images that have  been altered like this image how is this real!??? no its not its been altered! Because how are all of the segments so perfectly coloured this is what it should look like because the food colouring would have floated into the other segments we had to make an altered picture our selves! heres mine here are the rest of the slides


Thursday, June 13, 2019

Clothes fastenings 👗👔👕👖👚

Hey Readers It`s Sophie, today we have been learning about clothes fastenings
in pukeko. Miss.Bannan made a google slide, which we had to make a copy of. This is my answers results and bar-graph. my clothes fastenings activity. Thanks for looking at my blog! Comment down below if my answers from telly match up with my bar-graph. ✋😃👍

Leap frog 🐸

Hey readers Its Sophie and Brooklyn, We have been making a script
about leap frog there are no words because we had to do them.Here is my writing. I cannot add in Brooklyns writing but I promise it is very good!Bye guys! 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

assembly addition 😀

😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 Assembly addition!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

hey readers another maths question today
assembly addition                                   ⇾

I think the answer is... wait this time you  figure it out (I don`t know what taylor will say if you have no idea what I`m talking about look @ her the brain teaser post 😒) bye!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 6, 2019

triangle angles

Today we did our last logic puzzle this time it was a bit of a tricky problem! I think the answer is D What about you comment down below!

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

How many blocks?

Hi readers today we the maths problem how many blocks the answers we had to choose from are 7 8 9 and 10 my answer is 9 because 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.What is your answer to figure the problem out you will need a white-board or something to write on and a pen to write with and most importantly your thinking brain! BYE!!!!! 

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

what comes next?

Today we did this problem(^) I think the answer is a because blue green yellow so it has to be red. what do you think? Comment your answer down below. Do you have a different answer? Also comment down below.

coopers post

Cooper made a post about him self and he shared private AND personal information we needed to help him by sorting out the facts and pictures into 2 colums then we came down to the mat and  discussed the answers. 😁👍

Thursday, May 30, 2019

cybersmart all about me

this is my all about me here are some facts about me!

aiga (family)

This week is Samoan language week we are doing problems that are Samoan themed this is our is our problem! my answers are 10 12 and 13.What are your  answers?😀

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Siapo Cloth

This week is Samoan language week we are doing problems that are Samoan themed this is our problem. here is our problem. can you figure it out? I went 6+6+6=18? So thats my answer. Can you figure it out? comment down below.  

Monday, May 27, 2019

samoan language week

This week is Samoan language week we are doing problems that are Samoan themed this is our problem. I think the answer is 3 This is why. I went 3+3+3+3=12 6 coconuts are ready
2$ each=3

Am I right? Comment down below

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

fruit frenzy and speeding spaceship

fruit frenzy = 33 6+9+18=33
speeding space ship = . 4+142=148

Hey readers it's Sophie, Taylor and Sophia
we did a brain teaser today in maths it was pretty hard we figured them both out by using addition.

fruit frenzy and speeding spaceship


can you figure it out? click on the link to have a go.Our answer for fruit frenzy is 33 because we added 6,9 and 18 and we got 33.

For Speeding Spaceship we went 4+142=148. Can you figure it out in your own way? See ya next time!!!!!!

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Fifteen cards (brain teaser)

today the pentagons have been doing mystery numbers we had this problem:here is our problem.
Can you figure out all the answers?
comment down below. I think that there are 2 answers they are 6 9 11 12 4 14 7 and 8 7 13 10 6 12 9.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Tens of Tens

  Tens of Tens

Hi this is Taylor and Sophie here,we are going to show and tell you what Mrs.Jacks maths groups have been doing for the past 2 days. 
We have been doing the numberness of numbers. We are doing the tens of tens.
We watched a video that was telling you how to do this.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019


I have been learning how Greek words are used to make English words in phonics time. So far I have learnt Chron, Astro and bio. Chron means something to do with time. Astro means something to do with stars and bio means life. I liked learning about Greek words some of them to me sounded a bit funny. But my favourite is astro because I love looking up at the stars at night.

Monday, April 1, 2019


Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.