
Thursday, December 16, 2021

My Final Blog Post at South Hornby School

 Hey Readers!

Well, this is it. My final blog post of 2021.

My teacher (Miss McLeod) has been the best teacher ever and I´ve her for everything for four years in a row! I´m gonna be so sad to leave her and South Hornby school. 😭

Below is the End of year exit interview we had to fill out. 

Goodbye forever,




Wednesday, December 15, 2021

🎮 Rubber Duck Awards 🎮

 Hey readers!

This is going to be a reasonably short post.

I had been coding a game with a group of people from scratch.

I coded it with Lucas, Bailey, Cole and Lennox.

We the used the coding platform Gamefroot.

After creating our game we made sure it looked good and then posted it to the arcade.

We also submitted it into the Rubber Duck Awards, a NZ competition where there is a criteria that you have to follow to win prizes.

After about a week we got the results....


That had meant that we had to split a 300 dollar voucher, 60 dollars each.

We were all super excited and Gamefroot sent us a box of stuff to share.

If you want to play our game, here it is:

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Burger Advertisement (Writing)

 Hey Readers,

Hope you are having/have had a good day.

This and last week for writing we have been designing own custom burgers, so far it has been really fun.

It was challenging to think of enough ingredients to fill the burger buns

I enjoyed getting to have some creative freedom by being able to choose everything about it, from the bread buns to the sauces, its been great.

I think my favorite part was when we got to make the advertisement on our computers.

Here's mine:

I don't really like it I think it looks kind of bad, the burger buns and stuff way too square.
Would you try my burger?

Here's the link to the instructions on how to make it;

P.S; It's not a real phone number, actually I don't know but don't call it in case it is.

👋 Bye! 👋

Monday, November 8, 2021

Soap Advertisement! 🧼 (Inquiry)

 Hey Readers!

This morning we had Inquiry and we are making soap! 

I am  really excited and we have already made our packaging.

I was the first in the class to finish so Miss. H had to come up with something else for us to do.

So last Inquiry session we went out and picked up 3 rubbish bags full of rubbish in 7 minutes! 3 whole bags!

We are going to cut up the rubbish and use it to colour the black and white Wonder Weka Miss. H printed off. Like a collage.

I recorded my ad on screencastify and if you want to watch it here it is:


Sunday, November 7, 2021

How to make Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

 Hey Readers! 

Today I made some peanut butter chocolate chip cookies.

I made a google slide (like I did last time) to show you the process

The recipe I used was off the Chelsea Sugar website

        It was challenging to scrape the peanut butter out of the jar
I enjoyed mixing it, it was very satisfying.

Hope you enjoyed this post and try out the recipe

Friday, November 5, 2021

S.I.S.O.M.O New Student Introduction (Digital Citizenship)

 Hey Readers!

Hows your day going?

Today I have been recording a video with Jahnaleigh that the teachers would show to a new student coming to SHS (South Hornby School).

It was kind of noisy when we were recording but then the morning tea bell rang and everyone went outside so it was quiet. 

We interviewed a couple of people and a few teachers. But we also did a tour of the classroom.

I hope you liked it as we worked really hard on it. 

(Sorry its so long!)



Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Friendship Tips (Health)

 Talofa Readers!

I hope you are having a wonderful day?

Today we had to make a slideshow about friendship tips after we watched this video:

We had to make each slide a different tip. 

I found that it was hard to find images

What I enjoyed was using nice colours and watching the Lucas The Spider.


Monday, November 1, 2021

Red Pandas Information Report

Kia Ora Reader!

I hope you are having a good day.

Last week we wrote information reports about an endangered animal of our choice there were 12 options;

Mountain Gorilla

Sea Turtles

Polar Bear

Javan Rhino

Hectors Dolphin

Red Panda

Sumatran Elephant 

Sunda Tigers

Snow Leopard

Blue Whale

African Wild Dog

Giant Panda

I chose to do a red panda they are sooo cute. 

I mean look at that! Adorable. 
It was challenging to think of sentence starters.
I enjoyed using researching red pandas as they are very cute and interesting.
Here is my report, I hope you like it, I worked hard on it. 

Red Pandas'


Have you ever heard of a red panda? Although they are ‘red pandas’ they look more orangey-brown and they look more like raccoons then pandas. So really they are orange raccoons!

Why are they endangered? 

Red pandas (or orange raccoons) are endangered because they accidentally get caught in traps set for Boar and Deer, being killed. They are also sold on the black pet market where they are kept as pets in an unfamiliar environment where they will most likely not have the necessities they need to live. Sometimes they are also poached so that their fur can be used in clothing. 


Red pandas are omnivores. They eat leaves, fruit & berries, bird eggs, small lizards and insects. Most people assume that because they have Panda in their name that they would eat bamboo, however, they find it hard to digest because unlike pandas they are much smaller therefore less space for digesting. They have a reasonably simple diet and don't have to go far to get their meals.


Red pandas live in Himalayan places such as China, Nepal, Bhutan. They live in trees in high altitude forests in china. They also like high temperature places which is why they like the higher up forests, the heat reaches them more directly. They are killed in their habitats which is very sad because of the reasons I listed earlier on.


To conclude, red pandas are very cute so are sold illegally, taking them away from their natural habitat and diet to be kept as illegal pets.

I hope you learnt something?!
See you later!


Monday, October 11, 2021

How to make Unnecessarily Small Cheesecake Muffin things

 Hey Readers! 

Today I did some cooking and I made unnecessarily small cheesecake muffin things.

I even made a slideshow with the instructions to teach you. 
 I sort of used a recipe from the 1986 Edmond's Cookbook, I used it for the top part the bottom is an original creation. 


Hope you are having a great holiday and are ready to go back to school for the last term of this year!

Friday, September 10, 2021

Te Reo Maori Screencastify Task

 Hewo! :3

How are you today? 

Today me and my buddy Son did a recording teaching you about how to ask questions and give answers in Te Reo Maori. 

I really enjoyed doing the recordings but we found writing the script quite challenging. 

I think my favourite part was writing the script, even though I said it was challenging!

Want to see our video? Here it is!

PS: Sorry about the background noises we were recording in the toilet hallway! 😬 😳 🤦
PPS: Check out my buddy Son's blog here:

Monday, July 5, 2021

The Sun Facts 🌞🌞🌞

Hi Readers!

Today for Inquiry we have been doing the Sun.

We learnt about how hot and big the Sun is.

Here are our slides.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Student Summit 2021!

Kia Ora Readers!

 Last week Me and 15 other students went to Hornby Primary. Everybody in the Uru Manuka cluster came. These include Gilbathorbes, St. Bernadette's, South Hornby School (Us), Hornby Primary, Hornby High and Wigram Primary. If you don’t know what the student summit is, it's where once every year all the schools in our cluster come together and teach each other things. I was a presenter along with Ella-Pearl and An, we were teaching other kids how to use Codey Rockeys’. There are student workshops and before you go you do a google form and say what workshops you want to go to. If you aren’t presenting you get to choose 4 workshops but if you are you only get to choose 2. 

My first activity was Book Creator. It was really fun. We only got about 20 minutes for each session so I didn’t get past the front cover. I won’t add it in because it is not completed. My second activity was Upgrading Your Google Slides.I will add that one in but again we only had 20 minutes so I only got the front page and first slide done. I only did my mihi on the second page. After that it was morning tea. Then came my presentation… 

In my first group there were about 10 kids. We had to show them a video and read out a Google Slide before we could let them start. After the presentation we could let them start the tutorial, since there weren’t enough robots for one each there were 2 between 3. We also showed them a few pieces of code on my Chromebook and the colour recognition feature.

I enjoyed doing my presentation with Ella-Pearl and An.

It was challenging figuring out how to make the text bigger on Book Creator.

All About Me

Our presentation

I had lots of fun at this years Student Summit and really enjoyed the experience!

Bye Readers!


Thursday, July 1, 2021

Matariki Shape Poems!

 Hey Readers!

Yesterday and today we have been writing shape poems on Matariki.

We could choose to write about Stories, Celebrations, Stars or the Food.

We could also choose which shape we made it into as long as it was related to Matariki.

I chose stars, for both.


I had time to write 2 poems so I did.

It was challenging thinking of what size and shape it should be.
I enjoyed using google drawing to create my poem.

Have you ever written a shape poem or learned about Matariki?

See you next post!


Thursday, June 17, 2021

Pixel Art and Brain Teaser!

 Hi Readers!

Pixel Art

Today for Maths we had to do a pixel art activity on google forms. 

It was made very cleverly so that if you type the right answer into the blue box it adds more pixels every time you get the right answer. 

Eventually it makes a surprise picture here is the link if you want to do it.

Digital Art

Here is mine:

Brain Teaser

Today in Maths we did a Brain teaser.
It involved Bananas, Apples and Coconuts. 

The problem was: 
🍎+🍎+🍎= 30 
🍎+🍌+🍌= 18
🍌-🥥= 2
🍎+🍌+🥥= ?

So basically we had to figure out what each fruit equalled. 

I figured out that 3 tens are 30 so 🍎 is 10
2 4s' are 8. 8 plus 10 is 18. So 🍌 is 4.
And 4 takeaway 2 is 2 so is 🥥 is 2. 

Here is my work:

Bye Readers,
See You next time!

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Cinquain and Diamante Poems

 Hey Readers!

Last week for writing we wrote poems.

We wrote 2 different poems a Diamante and a Cinquain.

Here are the videos we watched:

My favourite one to do was probably the CInquain one.
Here is my Cinquain: 

Violent, Horrible
Shooting, Killing, Running 
The worlds at war

Here is my Diamante:

Scary, Miserable
Guns, Shooting, Trenches 
Turkish, British,Germans,Kiwis
Tanks, Planes, Bullets
Disease, Shrapnel

The hardest part was thinking of the four word phrase.
My Favourite part was doing the publishing.

See ya next time!

Monday, May 17, 2021

Tectonic Plates and Volcanoes

Tectonic Plates

For the first 2 weeks of this term we have been learning about Tectonic Plates and Volcanoes which is under the topic of planet Earth and Beyond. We have been doing lessons in homerooms.

I think it was fun learning about Tectonic Plates and about how mountains are created. It was challenging learning about all the fault lines. 

Have you ever learnt about Tectonic Plates?

Sorry it's a short post today there wasn't much to write, most of the information is in my DLO. 


Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Song Writing

 Hey Readers!

Last term we wrote songs with Mr. McIntyre. Although he isn't at our school

anymore, he had to leave at the end of last term.

We had to write:

 A chorus

At Least 2 verses 

and a


It was challenging thinking of a topic and the chorus.

I enjoyed using the Kandinsky Circles in chrome music lab to create my song.

It was a challenging to find a quiet place to record.

I wrote my song about Christchurch. I don't think it turned out very well


I had loads of help and I appreciate it! (Thank you Mrs.North 😉!)

I think that the best bit is the 1st verse:

Here in Christchurch we have the lot:

A crazy bunch, we are top.

Attractions, buskers, sports and schools.

Christchurch is great, we’re so cool

The bit that could be improved on the most is the chorus:

We have the lot.

We have the plot. 

We have the lot.

Give it a shot.

We are top.

We will give you a shock.

I couldn't think of a title so its kinda weird uhh yeah its Christchurch is Good

I know, waay too simple.

Oh, Well.

Here is the full lyrics to my song:

🇳🇿 Christchurch is good 🇳🇿

Verse 1:

Here in Christchurch we have the lot:

A crazy bunch, we are top.

Attractions, buskers, sports and schools.

Christchurch is great, we’re so cool.

Verse 2:

Here in Christchurch we have the lot:

From zoo’s to awesome gelato spots.

our rivers will make you quiver our people will too.

Here in Christchurch we welcome you.


We have the lot.

We have the plot. 

We have the lot.

Give it a shot.

We are top.

We will give you a shock.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Sea Turtles-Information Report 🐢

Hey Readers!

 What do you know about Sea Turtles?

For the past 3 weeks we have been working on information reports about 

endangered animals. Here were our options:


- Giraffes

-Coral Reefs





-Great Apes

- Sea Turtles




I chose to do Sea Turtles.

It was challenging doing research.

I enjoyed rewording my research and using technical words.

Here is my writing!

I wouldn't let me put in the picture so here is the link!

By the way this was a draft post from 2020 
so this wasn't recent!



Flaticon the Awesome New Tool!

 Hey Readers!

In cybersmart we had to work through a google slideshow that has activities about blog posts. It was really fun although it took a while because there were 15 slides! At the end we had to make a comic in google drawings and we had to make our characters images from flaticon. Our comic was about a 

learning blog.

My DLO (Digital Learning Object) today will be my comic. Here it is:

I enjoyed finding the characters and deciding the layout of my comic.

It was challenging fitting the speech into the speech bubbles.

Do you like making comics?

Bye Readers!

Friday, March 12, 2021

Maths Statistics

 Hey Readers!

So far this term we have been doing strand maths. We had to think of a question to do a statistical investigation about. My question was favourite places in Miss McLeod's homeroom. We had to make a plan and record answers from people in a tally chart. 

My options were:







I noticed that Home was peoples favourite place and school was peoples least favourite place.

My Favourite part was deciding in my question although it was tricky thinking of options. Once we had made a tally of our data and then put it into a bar graph we had to put it into 2 different graphs on a google spreadsheet.

Here are my graphs:
