
Wednesday, December 23, 2020

How to make 2 Minute Noodles

Hey Readers!
 So during lock down I made this post:

And I used the label #stayathomerecipes

and I meant to make this into a series kind of but I forgot so here is the second post to the series! I will post a new recipe every Wednesday.

How to make Maggi 2 minute Noodles in 6 easy steps!

1. Boil some hot water

2. While the water is boiling start breaking the noodle cake, I recommend that you do it before you have opened the package. Once they are in reasonable sized chunks tip them into a microwaveable bowl.

3. In the bowl pour in the hot water so it covers about all the noodles then pour the flavouring packet in. Or don't if you just want plain noodles. Stir in the flavouring.

4. Put the bowl in the microwave for 1 minute and once it is finished take it out and stir it, then put it back in for another minute. While its cooking start getting a bowl and sieve (if you want one) ready. 

5. Once the noodles are finished give them a final stir. If you want the juice in just tip them in a bowl. But if you want no juice sieve the noodles over a sink. Then tip them into a bowl.

6. Add something into your noodles! (You don't have to) Add something like dried veggies, sausage, cheese or maybe even some sauce! I like cheese and sliced frankfurter in my noodles.

Anyway thanks for reading and also I hope you make some yummy noodles! 

Bye Readers!

SLJ - Summer Haiku

 Hey Readers!


Today I decided to do the Summer Haiku for SLJ.

It had to go

5 5 5 5 5 Words

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Words

5 5 5 5 5 Words


I enjoyed this activity because I liked thinking about all the things we do in summer. I also liked deciding the words.


It was challenging finding a free beach photo that I liked but I finally found one on Unsplash (All images on Unsplash are completely free and you can download good quality images with a click of the green download button. You can also thank the photographer once you have downloaded their photo.) I also needed a sun in my picture so I used to take one from another image.

Anyway you probably are bored of me blabbering my head off so I will show you my Haiku.


If you can't read what it says it says:

Waves crash on the shore
Golden sand coats the warm beach floor
The ocean gleams in the sun 

I kinda cheated on the five in the last line because I had to put 6 because I couldn't think of anything with only five words, so I hope you forgive me!

Anyway this was fun but it's time for me to go!
Bye Readers!

P.S Whenever you click on any of the links on this post it will take you to a page that looks like this:

Sorry its a bit blurry but you might run into this page.
 You click this link to go to the website:

If you change your mind and want to come back here click this link:

Now, Goodbye (but properly this time though)


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

2020 Reflection

 Hey Readers!

At the very start of this year I made a post called Welcome Back To 2020!

And now at the very end of the year I am writing a blog post about 2020. 

Here are some exciting things and trips we've done this year:

-We went to Living Springs for school camp last week
- We went to Feerymead Heritage Park
-P.J day
-Top Team
-Teddy Bear Picnic
and heaps of other things too.

My favourite thing this year was camp! (Blog post coming about that soon)
It was so much fun!

My least favourite thing this year was orienteering. 
That was at the very start of the year though so my most recent least favourite thing was probably fairymead.

But enough of not liking stuff, I am gonna tell you my favourite things about this year!

My favourite thing (accept for camp) was probably teddy bear day! There was a big chalk circle out on the court to put a $2 dollar donation in. We did it to raise money for the heart kids foundation. 
We got a certificate from that day.

I hope you have a great day!
Keep checking my blog over the holidays as I will be posting for the summer learning journey.
Bye Readers!

Monday, December 14, 2020

Habitat Destruction

Hi Readers!,

 In Inquiry we have been learning about Habitat Destruction. 

I like learning about habitat destruction because I like thinking of ways to stop it.

Today and on Thursday and Friday we have been making a DLO about Habitat destruction.

We had to make our DLO on Google Drawings.

It had to include




I found it hard to record my screencastify in a quiet place. 

I enjoyed finding pictures and writing the text.



Wednesday, November 25, 2020


 This week we have been learning about Sharks. Today we had to create a DLO about Sharks. 

It was challenging finding the information.

I enjoyed using google slides to make my DLO

I hope you like it! 

Did you know that sharks' have 3 rows of teeth?

Here are my slides!


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Possum Problem

 In reading we have been learning about possums'. 

Today we had to make a DLO

About Possums'.

It was Challenging finding the facts about the possums'.

I enjoyed choosing the background and the colours.

Here is my Biteable!

Possums DLO on Biteable.

Monday, November 9, 2020

🍋 Eco-Friendly Lemon Sugar Hand Scrub!🍋

Last week on Thursday we made environmentally friendly hand scrub. It was fun. We had to zest, slice and juice lemons. Then we had to stir the oil and sugar into the lemon juice. It was fun preparing the lemons. It was challenging stirring the thick mixture and deciding who I was in a group with. Here are the recipes and some pictures.


 Today we learnt about hypothermia. 

We had to do a DLO and it had to include:

The Definition 

How to treat it 

The Symptoms 

How you get it 

I enjoyed using Google Slides to create my DLO. It was challenging finding the information and symptoms. I worked really hard on this so I hope you like it. 

Here are the slides. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Alternatives To Plastic Straws

Last term we were learning about debate topics.

I chose to debate about plastic straws.

It was challenging deciding which straws I wanted to do and which

articles to get my information from.

I enjoyed doing the research and choosing the pictures.

Here are some handy alternatives!



Wednesday, October 14, 2020


 On Tuesday we read a text about Jellyfish. Then we had to create a DLO about jellyfish. It was challenging researching the information. I enjoyed choosing the theme and font. Here is my biteable that I did. I worked really hard on it so I hope you like it. Please comment. 

Jellyfish DLO on Biteable.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Calendar Art

 For Calendar Art this term we did Kandinsky Circles with a silhouette on top. 

I chose to do a silhouette of a fox sitting on branch. 


1. First we practised the designs that we wanted to have on our final piece of art.

2. We started our published art

3. Designed our silhouette 

4. Drew and cut out our silhouette

5. Glued on our silhouette

We had a lot of fun making our calendar art! 

Here is my finished art! 

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Muesli Balls

Hey Readers,

We have been planning to make muesli balls for athletics day to keep students going.

 We had to think of a company name and make a logo. Our company name is The Healthy Habit Jr's. 

The process we went through was:

Designing a logo
Came up with a recipe
Added toppings
Designed a box 
Made a box
Decorated the box
Made the Muesli Balls
Boxed the Muesli Balls

This was a really fun process. I enjoyed making the recipe and deciding the toppings. 

It was challenging Making the box and deciding the special ingredients.

Bye Readers.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

New Zealand Army Band

Yesterday afternoon part of the army band came to our school.

They played:

Watermelon Sugar, Savage Love, Let it goArabian Night and a couple of others. 

They are really good at playing their instruments. Underneath is a video of them singing Savage love, make sure you check it out! 

Monday, September 21, 2020

How to make a quality blog post!

Today I made a comic about how to make a quality blog post. I enjoyed making my comic because I had a lot of fun but specifically I enjoyed choosing the characters outfits and choosing their speech. It was challenging deciding which backdrop to use and where the characters were going to be position.

Bye Guys!


 Today we made a slideshow about cups that we used to measure water. It was challenging creating the table and estimating the cups capacity. I enjoyed pouring in the water and writing the correct answer. Here are my slides.  

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Describe A Moment In Time - Swamp

Hey Readers,

For the past few weeks we have been writing Describe a Moment in time,

to prepare ourselves for our writing e-astle at the end of the term.

This week we had to write about some tourists' who were paddling 

down a swamp in a canoe.

It was challenging thinking of what they could smell.

I enjoyed thinking of adjectives and phrases.

Here is my work: 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Writing - Mini Lesson - Metaphors

 Today with Miss.H we learnt about metaphors, it was our mini lesson for this week. I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed writing a metaphor for the pictures. It was challenging thinking of a metaphor for the grass. Here is the slides that we had to look at. The work is at the end. You can make a copy and do it too.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020


Today we did a Mini Lesson about similes. We had to Think Pair Share a couple of times, then we had to make a sentences about it. This was very fun. Here is the slides that we had to use:

Thursday, September 3, 2020

🥤 Agree or Disagree (STRAWS Version) 🥤

For reading we have been discussing our opinions about STRAWS, plastic straws in particular. Yes, I know what your thinking "Boring! Straws I am not going to continue reading 😝 "  
but I a sure you it isn't boring, its actually quite perplexing,
but I am going to get into that in another post. Today I'm talking about the work that we had to do for it. 
We had to agree or disagree with 2 opinions.
 One was a lady talking about how its so much easier to use plastic straws than carry 
around reusable ones and that disabled people need them this is very true.

The other opinion was a man saying that they should be band and 
stop being manufactured.

I think that both of these opinions have good points so I'm in the middle of these opinions.
Here is the link to my work:

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


In reading we have been reading Wonder by R.J Palacio. It is a really good book I am enjoying it quite a lot. It is about a boy with a flat palette. It is also a movie on Netflix. If click on this link you can make your own Wonder avatar:

Here is mine

Friday, August 28, 2020

Maori Greetings

Today for Te Reo we had to record ourselves with a buddy and greet and farewell our buddy. I decided to go with An. It was a lot of fun! It was challenging pronouncing the words but over all it was a very fun experience. We recorded ourselves using screen castify. 
                   Here Is our Screencastify

Doodle Yourself With Google Drawing©️

In Cybersmart we learnt how to draw ourselves with google drawing! It was very fun although it involved a lot of work, concentration and time. We watched a video then went of to do our task, we had to take a picture of ourselves and then using the curve tool had to outline all the details in the picture this was definitely not my favourite part! 😆 My favourite part was to colour it in. This was a very cool project!

Monday, August 17, 2020

Learning how to use Google Forms©️

Today for Digital Citizenship we learned how to use google forms. It was fun choosing the questions. You can do my quiz too! Most of the answers are in the description at the top. 

Here is a video to teach you how to use google forms too!

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The One and Only ENIAC!

For the past 2 weeks Miss.McLeod's writing group have been writing about evolution's of technology e.g toys & digital technology. I chose to write about the ENIAC. The ENIAC was the first computer.

I really liked doing the research because I found out some other interesting things in the process. It was challenging using deciding which words to use to build my paragraphs. 

                      Here is my writing

Friday, July 24, 2020

Personal or Private?

Today we learned about Private and Personal information. We then had to make a copy of a document. The document had Private information on one side and on the other side we had to turn the private information into personal information. Make sure you watch the video it has some very helpful tips! 

Here is my document.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Winter Learning Journey Activity #2

Today for the winter learning journey I chose activity 12. For this activity I had to... well you know, that ➝. Today my younger cousin Mia helped me with this activity because Grandma is looking after me and my 2 cousins (Mia and her younger brother, they are 7 1/2 & 5) She saw what I was doing and wanted to help.

We enjoyed choosing the images & numbers as well as making the 

Here is our creation

  Comment your answer in the comments section

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Winter Learning Journey Activity #1

For my first winter learning journey activity I chose to design a Winter Hut. (It says Activity 19 because you can do them in any order.)

My favourite part was choosing the furniture goes inside my Hut. It was challenging get the SiZeS and colours right. But overall I really enjoyed this activity and am excited to do another one again tomorrow!

Here are the slides I used to design my hut.

Friday, July 3, 2020

My Myth!

In Miss.McLeod's writing group we have been writing myths. Myths are stories of how things were created, each time the myth gets told the person telling the story can have as much fun as they want with the details! So they aren't always really super duper true. Miss McLeod said that we could make up our own myths, she gave us PLENTY of choices. I chose How Owls Got Big Eyes. I saw this option and I got so excited I knew I had to do it. It was challenging think of how they got big eyes. I enjoyed being able to choose what the owls did.

                                                            Here is my writing

Monday, June 15, 2020


This and last term we were working on some half portraits but even before that we did warm fuzzies and then typed them up into a Google Doc and make them lots of different colors. Then we printed them of and stuck them around our portraits. It was challenging getting all the shapes right. I enjoyed being able to be creative! Here is a picture of my portrait.

Free Verse Poems

On Friday we were writing Free Verse Poems. It was challenging writing the Poem because you can't use full sentences. It was fun because you got to be very creative. We are learning about Matariki because in New Zealand we are supposed to be able to see the cluster on July 13th. We have also written Matariki Cinquain poems Here are the slides for that, the last slide is my Cinquain poem. But back to the Free Verse poems here is a picture of mine.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Keeping the balance

Today in Hauora (Health) we had to make a pie chart in google forms then put it into a google drawing and answer some questions, the twist was all the percentages had to equal 100!  It was hard to decide each percentage. I enjoyed realising how much time I spend on things. Here is a picture of mine.


Thursday, June 11, 2020

Creating GIFS

Today in Digital Citizenship we learnt how to make GIFS using Creator Studio. It was challenging using something new, But I enjoyed it anyway because I like using new tools. We had to download the Creator studio extension and then apply it to our slides that we made at March at the start of the year.This was a really fun process to follow and I am excited to do this again soon!
Here is the link to my GIF

All about me

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Samoan langue week

 This week is Samoan language week in reading have been learning about Samoan Tatau they are a traditional type of Tattoo that is carved in to your skin.

Wanna learn some facts about Tatau?

I knew it, of course you do!
Here they are


  • The most important tatau is a men's tatau
  • A Females Tatua is called a Malu and goes from the thighs to the knees A Male Tatau is called a Pe'a 
  • Each different Tatau pattern tells a different story
  • Instead of needles they carve Tatau into your skin with pig bone pig tusk or turtle shell
  • Pe'a and malu are believed to protect the body as well as make it beautiful                                                                          

Monday, May 25, 2020

It's Great to be Back!!!

                    ❤ It's Great to be Back!!! ❤ 

On Monday we got out of Alert Level 3 and Went Alert Level 2 so we got to be back to School! I liked being at home with my family but it is really nice to be in a different environment. (In this case school) I  love being back at school because we have been doing lots of fun learning, although it has been a little different because we have been having to sanitize our hands at the gate and when we go in and out of the classroom,another thing is we can only play on one side of the school.I love being back at school do you? 

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Frog brain teaser

Today we had a brain teaser I had to solve it with Vernon and Zak who are in my talk group, a talk group is a group we have in maths and we have to solve problems together and talk about how we solve them and what we are thinking about the problem. We think it would take about thirty days. How long do you think? Tell me in the comments! Here is a picture of our working.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Dinosaurs - The Comic

In writing we had to make a comic about prehistoric times on pixton it was a lot of fun because we got to choose the backgrounds play with characters expressions and choose what they were saying!. I thought it was challenging to get the characters where I wanted them, I enjoyed being able to control what my characters did and the adventures that they had. Here is my comic!!!

Friday, May 1, 2020

Truth or Lie- The Comic

This week Miss McLeod's writing group has continued to learn how to use Pixton. On Monday we created a new comic about Truth or lie it was meant to be like one of those Talk Shows that you watch on T.V but a comic! Do you like comics or maybe you like Talk Shows?

In my comic There is a host and Me (The guest) I have to say 1 lie and 1 True thing. Then the 'Audience' had to guess the Truth and Lie (You Are The Audience) Guess in the comments!

Thursday, April 30, 2020

What's this Wednesday

What's this Wednesday

Today for what's this Wednesday we looked at an animation website called animaker. Miss Williamson showed us how we can create our own characters for an animaker, Next Wednesday we are going to use our characters for an animation. Here is a photo of mine!

Think about it Thursday

Today for 'Think about it Thursday' the question was why do 'Leaves Change Colour?'. We read through some facts and watched some clips to try and grow our knowledge about leaves. Then we used Padlet to share our learning. Here is the link to our padlet . I enjoyed sharing my learning on Padlet.
I found it challenging to understand the science behind leaves changing colour.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Interesting handwriting

Have you ever done handwriting in interesting ways or fonts? Cos I have!!!
It was So much fun, You could do some shading with pencil, you could do your handwriting in the order of the rainbow! I did my handwriting in the order of the rainbow then I did shading with pencils!
I didn't have any ruled paper so I ruled my own with a ruler.
Here is mine!

Heres a video that you might like to get some inspiration from


Friday, April 17, 2020

Our cool new tool: Pixton!

Today over another video call Miss.McLeod's writing group with the help of a cool new tool pixton  created a comic about our bucket list. The number one thing on my bucket list is to go to the Netherlands! ( Here is a blog post about them )  Wanna See A picture of mine? That's Great! Here's a picture!

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Harry potter and the philosophers stone: Chapter 2 : The vanishing glass

Today in a video conference Miss.Mcleod read us: Harry potter and the philosophers stone: Chapter 2 : The vanishing glass. After that we did a collaborative slideshow on what we would ask a snake if the snake could talk. I asked the snake if it could crawl into my brothers bed but not bite him because that would be mean. Also whether he likes tropical or citrus fruits better. Also do you snakes have friends? Here is the collaboration slide!

Saturday, April 11, 2020

How to make hot chocolates

Have you ever wondered how to make hot chocolates? So have I! Today I am going to teach you how to make one in three easy steps!
       You need theses things:

  • Hot Chocolate powder
  • Milk
  • Hot water 
  • Marshmallows (optional)

Step One: 
Boil the jug. Get out as many cups as you need and spoon in about a teaspoon and a half of hot chocolate powder in to them. 

Step Two:
When the jug has boiled pour in the hot water, so the cup is about half full. Mix together the powder and water with a spoon.

Step Three:
Add milk to the the cups and stir once more. If you have them add in the Marshmallows Finally wait for your hot chocolate to cool down and Enjoy!!!

Here's A tip: If your hot chocolate is still to hot after five minutes try adding some more milk

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Digital Citizenship: Speed test

Last week in digital citizenship we found a buddy and we did a shortcut speed test. When we found a buddy we had to make a copy of a shortcut speed test then share it with our buddy. When we share it with them we could start there was a bunch of questions/tasks and my buddy was Havana, I finished first. Have you Ever done a Speed test? Here is a link to our quiz.You have to click file then make a copy, put in a folder in your drive and if you want to you can rename it.

Suffixes poster

In Miss. McClelland's Phonics group. We were put into groups of 3 or 4 and got given a Suffix and we had to think of as many suffixes as we can. In my group was Havana, Rylan and Me here is our poster.
Have you ever made a suffixes poster? It was challenging because it was hard to think of the suffixes.
Here is ours! 😁

Word challenge

Today I Challenged myself to write A Short story about nothing in particular... But the challenge is that you have to write the story in the order of the alphabet, like this: Apples Bananas Carrots. Can you write a short story in the order of the alphabet? Here is a picture of my Story. Remember you can be as Creative as you want!!!!!       

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Making a recycled board game

Due to the lockdown we have a lot of homework to do. One of the activities is to make a recycled board game.

It was challenging to think of a concept for a game idea. I decided that it was going to be about my favourite youtuber Seth from Seth's bike hacks*, he posts new videos every Friday. He has a second channel called Berm peak express too.

Me and my Dad made a plan of the board on google drawings. We then drew it in pencil on a piece of cardboard, so that we could test it out when we had drawn it all up. It was fun working with dad and getting to pick my own rules and designing the board is fun as well!!!!

                             It's not quite finished yet but here are some photos 😀😀😀

These are the cards you collect when you go around the board.
Here are the rules:

  • When you roll a six you miss a turn
  •  You can't reach the hack shack until you have collected all the cards
  • Start at the trailhead 
And most importantly...
Have Fun!!!!!
Here's the board, there are advance spaces and go back spaces even shortcuts!

Recycled board game on Biteable.
*Click on the link to get to his channel

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Animal town: At the Supermarket

For our homework we had to draw a picture of what a supermarket would look like in animal town. It was challenging to think of what animals to draw and colour to colour them, I liked it because you could be so creative and crazy for example you could draw a pink monkey!!!!! Have you ever drawn a picture in animal town? Challenge yourself and draw a scene in animal town where ever you want!
                                                                 Here is mine!
                                   It has A dog, a bunny and her Mum a cat and a pig!

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Number of the week

Today in Miss.McLeod's maths we did number of the week. We have to right all the answers into different boxes where the questions are written. Miss.McLeod picks a number that what we have to add thing to, X and ➗, decide whether  or not it is even or odd. Here is a Picture of mine!

Friday night out By Kathy Taylor

On Tuesday Miss.McLeod's Reading group, J.K rowling read the text Friday night out By: Kathy Taylor. We had to do a Story Web about it and we have to write The characters, the setting, the theme, the problem, the response, the action and finally the outcome here is a screenshot of mine.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Zones of regulation poster

We have been learning about Zones of regulation and we had to make an animation or poster I picked to make a posters here are my posters that I made.


This afternoon after the second lunch break Punui-o-toka went to our first hockey lesson for this year. We dribbled the hockey ball around the basketball court, Then we did a relay and then it was time to go back to class. Everyone had a lot of fun at hockey and now everybody is waiting for next week so we can have more hockey fun!